Friday, April 17, 2020

Friday April 17

20 Virtual Travel Experiences To Try

Greetings Parents and Students,

Choice A: New York, New York atch?v=BD0oWSM6kVc and The Statue of Liberty, New York n/photosmultimedia/virtualto ur.htm with Ellis Island hibits/ellis/Ellis_Index.html

Choice B: Grand Canyon National Parks, Arizona & Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming rn/photosmultimedia/virtualt ours.htm _______________

Choice C: Explore the surface of Mars on the Curiosity Rover. They are updating from WEBVR to WEBXR now, but 360 Mode offers a digital view! https://accessmars.withgoogl


1. Where did you visit? What was the best part about the visit? Why?
 2. What are three fascinating facts you learned during the visit?
3. When you reflect on the visit, what do you still wonder?
4. Your budget per day is $2000.00. Describe and explain mathematically the ways you used your budget to cover costs, for ex: Food + Travel + Souvenirs + Entrance Fees = Total. Please include the item and amount spent on anything not listed and factor in the costs for the number of travelers with you like your relatives. Did you go over or stay under budget and if so, by how much?
5. Would you recommend this virtual field trip to a friend? Why or why not?

Answer questions on Classdojo

选择您的虚拟体验! 选项A:纽约,纽约 atch?v = BD0oWSM6kVc和纽约自由女神像 n / photosmultimedia / virtualto ur.htm与Ellis岛 hibits / ellis / Ellis_Index.html 选择B:亚利桑那州大峡谷国家公园和怀俄明州黄石国家公园 rn / photosmultimedia / virtualt ours.htm _______________ 选择C:在好奇号火星车上探索火星表面。它们正在从WEBVR更新到WEBXR,但是360模式提供了数字视图! https://accessmars.withgoogl 每天出票***必须每天提交一份 1.您去过哪里?这次访问的最好之处是什么?为什么?  2.您在访问期间学到了三个有趣的事实? 3.当您反思这次访问时,您仍然想知道什么? 4.您的每日预算为$ 2000.00。用数学方式描述和解释您使用预算来支付费用的方式,例如:食物+旅行+纪念品+入场费=总计。请包括未列出的项目和花费的金额,并计入与您的亲戚一样的旅行者人数的费用。您是否超出预算或保持预算,如果是,减少了多少? 5.您会向朋友推荐这次虚拟实地考察吗?为什么或者为什么不? 在Classdojo上回答问题

 601/701- Visual Arts
Daily Agenda
The following code below is for Microsoft Teams- Please add my class "Visual Arts - Mr.
Gitlin" onto your account. From there, you will see the assignments due during Marking
Period 4. You can still upload and view these assignments on your Pupil Path.
  • 97oe4gs
The following information to reach out to me is ....
                                                              Email -
                                                             Cell - (917)-991-0867

Physical Education/ Health

Parents and Students Please Read::

**As you know all grades this making period will be based solely on remote learning. PE and Health assignments are given weekly please complete each assignment in a timely manner. **

ØWill need to check Edpuzzle periodically to make sure they are up to date. I’ll also leave comments under questions left blank or with an “idk” response it’s your job to go back and complete the assignment. If this isn’t corrected before the due date it will be marked as a “0”.

Ø Are rushing through not fully understanding or taking their time. You can rewatch the video as many times as you need to. This is affecting your grade tremendously. If you run into this problem please write “idku” in the comments box and wait for a response to assist you. 

ØMany of you are watching the video but aren’t answering questions. Please take your time and complete the assignment to the very end.

ØRemember once your start the workout you must complete it and answer all questions. You can take as many breaks needed but can’t finish later once started! This will result in an automatic "0"

ØThis is the last week I will be reaching out to parents individually for students missing assignments on a weekly basis. All grades will be updated on Skedula on Tuesday’s. If a student is missing an assignment you will see a “0” for that assignment.  
ØIf the student is having any technology issues please let me know. 

**Feel free to reach out if you have any other questions or concerns.**

Math 602/603 Ms. Triana/Ms.Kindell  IMPORTANT INFORMATION 

In order to continue remote learning please log into: 
DOE Student Accounts
To keep students connected and meeting academic requirements when learning remotely, the DOE has created student accounts for every single New York City public school student, including 3K and Pre-K students.
The account gives your student access to Google Classroom and Microsoft Office 365, through the Remote Learning Portal(Open external link).
Find Your Student Account ID and Password
To retrieve your account ID and password:
2.   Enter your 9-digit Student ID (OSIS) number. (You can find your Student ID number on a report card, your student ID card, or in your NYCSA account.)
3.   Enter your birthday.
4.   Click Continue.
5.   If the information you enter matches your student record, your username will be displayed. 
6.   Your student ID is your username followed by For example, if your username is JaneD, your student account ID is
7.   If you haven't already set up a password, you will be asked to set one up.
8.   Pick a password that only you will know.
9.   Re-enter your password.
10.      Click Update Password.
Access the Remote Learning Portal
In order to support students with remote learning, the DOE has made available a remote learning portal for all DOE students. The remote learning portal provides quick links to online learning tools they will need, including Google Classroom and Microsoft Office. Sign into the Remote Learning Portal
Where to start
2.   Enter your DOE student account email (it ends in
o    If you don't know your DOE student account email, visit DOE Student Accounts
3.   Enter your password.
4.   Click Sign In.
5.   If the username and password entered are correct, you will be signed into the remote learning portal successfully.
6.   Click on the Google Classroom icon.
7.   Now you are in Google Classroom!

See you April 20th, 2020 at 10:00-11:00 AM