Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Tuesday, April 14

My virtual trip around the world(1)

Greetings Parents and Students,

Choice A: New York, New York https://www.youtube.com/w atch?v=BD0oWSM6kVc and The Statue of Liberty, New York https://www.nps.gov/stli/lear n/photosmultimedia/virtualto ur.htm with Ellis Island https://www.nps.gov/hdp/ex hibits/ellis/Ellis_Index.html

Choice B: Grand Canyon National Parks, Arizona & Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming https://www.nps.gov/yell/lea rn/photosmultimedia/virtualt ours.htm _______________

Choice C: Explore the surface of Mars on the Curiosity Rover. They are updating from WEBVR to WEBXR now, but 360 Mode offers a digital view! https://accessmars.withgoogl e.com/


1. Where did you visit? What was the best part about the visit? Why?
 2. What are three fascinating facts you learned during the visit?
3. When you reflect on the visit, what do you still wonder?
4. Your budget per day is $2000.00. Describe and explain mathematically the ways you used your budget to cover costs, for ex: Food + Travel + Souvenirs + Entrance Fees = Total. Please include the item and amount spent on anything not listed and factor in the costs for the number of travelers with you like your relatives. Did you go over or stay under budget and if so, by how much?
5. Would you recommend this virtual field trip to a friend? Why or why not?

Answer questions on Classdojo

 601/701- Visual Arts
Daily Agenda
The following code below is for Microsoft Teams- Please add my class "Visual Arts - Mr.
Gitlin" onto your account. From there, you will see the assignments due during Marking
Period 4. You can still upload and view these assignments on your Pupil Path.
  • 97oe4gs

Math (602/603) Ms. Triana/Ms. Kindell
 Good Day.
Please remember that we  are no longer using Zoom as a platform. We are considering one of two options;MicrosoftTeams or Googleclassroom. Please continue to review the blog (class dojo) for further instructions.
Here is the link to set up your email and password for our new platform.

We will expect all of our students to create their passwords by Friday, April 10, 2020. Thank you for making the necessary adjustments as we continue to instruct the students via remote learning. If you have concerns or issues please reach out to your child's teacher.


The DOE has created student accounts for every single New York City public school student. The account gives your child access to Google Classroom and Microsoft Office 365.

Please go to Edpuzzle to complete newly assigned practice opportunities.
Report cards are posted in Pupil Path.